Monday, June 25, 2012

Of Lawan’s tragicomedy and Obasanjo’s vindication – by Uche Igwe

Obasanjo lambasted the National Assembly a few weeks ago, I was a bit worried. In fact, I wanted to respond to him and suggest that such a sweeping statement should be received as a hasty and inappropriate generalisation. At least, there are a few people who are currently in the federal legislature and whose pedigrees still remain impeccable. It is public knowledge that some current legislators actually made decent names and impressive fortunes before their foray into politics and one could make an exception for them in terms of integrity and commitment to service.
Views about the Obasanjo era remain very diverse and contentious. There are those who strongly see him as someone on whose shoulders history bestowed an important opportunity to change Nigeria but who squandered it due to an uncanny lust for power. Clearly, Obasanjo did implement a few laudable reforms in this country but along the line, analysts argue that he lost his vision and betrayed his mission. However, I must also say that the former president has three things that no one can wish away — age, courage and experience. Obasanjo is an old man. He is very courageous and has many years of experience at the highest levels of politics in Nigeria. When such a man makes a statement, the best approach is to watch events further with studied silence rather than take him on tactlessly as is often fashionable.
Today, we now know that Obasanjo might have known little more than many of us as he was allegedly privy to the shameful solicitation and collection of a bribe by someone who is ‘famous’ for anti- corruption posturing in the parliament. Even as we wait for the final pronouncements of investigating agencies, it is believed that the unfolding drama in the House of Representatives has exposed the selfish and unpatriotic character of the Nigeria political class and the decay in an institution constitutionally empowered to provide an anti-corruption check on democracy.
I have watched the fuel subsidy probe sessions repeatedly, followed up the reactionary ostrich games that trailed the leakage of the video footages to the media. I wish therefore to draw attention to four issues apparently dominating the arena of debate in order to situate a more nuanced conversation.
The first is that contrary to popular pretence, the evidence ostensibly gathered from the recordings purportedly painted Farouk Lawan as a politician many believe to be experienced in the business of extortion and bribery. Many of us who publicly expressed disappointment at his action were told clearly that the apparent evidence did not portray a man who has (or had) any leftover integrity. How could he have allegedly visited Otedola’s house at such an odd hour? How could he have allegedly packed part of the money, rather shamelessly, into his cap, if he was not a master of such games? Could such a stunt be pulled by an alleged first timer? There are already stories flying in the air. With hindsight, the question on the lips of every one is whether his leadership of the so-called Integrity Group might have been all about –to collect, share and clean mouth? But again if his supposedly putrid pedigree is known to the leadership of the House of Representatives, how come they still went ahead and gave him such a sensitive job to do? I will come back to this later.
My second point is in relation to the report itself. The decision to probe the subsidy payments was a very noble one. I have perused the report and I am prepared to argue that it contains mind-blowing revelations about the extent of corruption in the downstream sector and a glimpse at the perpetrators in government and their collaborators in the private sector. It remains a potent ammunition and background material for anyone who wants to lead knowledge-driven advocacy in the oil and gas industry. However, with the purported action of Lawan, my confidence in the report has been punctured as its credibility now appears severely tainted. We might have heard of Otedola and Zenon Oil, what of many other companies who we do not know and who might have made similar or even greater payments to get their names removed but were not smart enough (or may be not interested) to get him on tape? I agree that those who have been indicted should be made to face the law but how can anyone convince Nigerians that the list is a complete one? Do we ignore the blow that this scandal has landed on the report and go ahead to insist on the prosecution of the companies including (or excluding) Zenon Oil and Synopsis Enterprises Limited?
My third point is about the trend of the drama. Did Lawan act alone as being alleged? Or, better still, could he have possibly acted alone? We were told by those who watched the video that he (Lawan) boasted that he knew the right buttons to press to get the companies removed. What are those buttons? What was the role of the House Committee on Financial Crimes and Narcotics in a desperate attempt to save Lawan? Many observers who reviewed the debate on the day that the report was submitted on the floor of the House insist that the obvious body language of both the Deputy Speaker and other committee members spoke volumes. In fact, many commentators wonder why the presiding officer gave Lawan an unnecessary opportunity to repeat the possibly rehearsed motion of amendment while other committee members were in a visible haste to second the motion. Many have highlighted the fact that Emeka Ihedioha even sought further clarifications as to whether the amendment was the view of Lawan alone or that of the entire committee. Could all these be considered coincidental or can we envisage that a few more chapters of the drama may yet unfold in the near future?
My fourth and final point is on the growing legitimacy deficit of the House of Representatives as an institution. The parliament is (or ought to be) a very important institution in a democracy by providing the requisite oversight aimed at curtailing the excesses of the executive arm of government. At the core of this role is to lead the fight against corruption on behalf of the people they represent. With the scandals opening up in the last three months, there is a need to pause and rethink how the House has fared in discharging this essential role. Are they really fighting corruption or aiding, abetting and deepening it? Who will watch the watchdog? Now let me come back to the statement of Obasanjo in the context of all of these. Clearly as someone who superintended over civil rule in Nigeria for eight years, one cannot dismiss his comments with a wave of the hand. He might have had some first-hand experiences or at least seen a few more things from his vantage position as former President. If therefore the emerging verdict is that the House of Representatives is filled with thieving legislators and dull bribe takers as Lawan is being alleged, even with their fat salaries and allowances, what then is the hope of the common man in Nigeria? It is very sad to note that Obasanjo might have once again been vindicated.

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